Interstitial Lung Disease Life Expectancy Interstitial lung disease is a chronic condition that affects the interstitium of the lungs. It inadvertently affects the tissues that surround the alveoli. Interstitial lung disease affects the connective tissues between the alveoli and bronchi. It is possible that the type of lung disease may involve both the alveoli and the bronchi. The connective tissues, the blood vessels and the lymphatic channels get infected and it is through this infection that the lungs get grievously affected causing interstitial lung disease. Along with the lungs it is the fibroblast that also gets affected. The fibroblast is the fiber that holds lungs together. This is a chronic lung disease that can lead to creating a defect in the connective tissues, making the lungs susceptible to malfunctioning. As breathing is directly correlated to the activity dedicated to lungs, it is inevitable that the normal breathing function of an individual gets hampered. This is where the life expectancy gets affected. The inflammation of lung tissues can also lead to recrudescing an uncomfortable ache in the chest. Interstitial lung disease, if not diagnosed can lead to creating further complications leading to pulmonary fibrosis. Fibrosis is the condition in which you develop fibrous tissues in the interstitium.

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